Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Sunspots 67

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Being a Person: Why Personhood is Not Enough, from the evangelical outpost, argues that it is not necessary for, say, people in a coma to possess personhood for them to deserve protection from being killed. Lots of comments!

If you want to be able to tell one dinosaur from another, the Dino Directory, from the Natural History Museum, is for you.

A blog, new to me, entitled Speculative Faith, which is a multi-author blog dedicated to Christian Speculative Fiction (whatever that is).

NoScript, a free Firefox browser extension that blocks all, or nearly all scripts, some of which may be dangerous or annoying. That's the good news. Bad news -- you have to tell it to run scripts for each page you trust, the first time you go to that page (such as Bloglines) but after that, it works automatically.

A post, named, rather inappropriately, "icons and the emerging church," details some reasons for Christians to blog.

Fliedermaus, one of my Flickr contacts, has been travelling out west. She has some fabulous photos of the Tetons and Bryce Canyon, among other sights. Click on one of her sets, to the right. You do not need to be a member to see her photos.

Bonnie has some carry-on luggage to recommend.

The blue of the sky proves that atoms exist. Oh, by the way, the sky really isn't blue -- it's violet . . .

The Musipedia looks interesting. Apparently you can search for music by entering musical notes, or even by humming (? I don't want to wake anyone up here, so I haven't tried that . . .).

This week's Christian Carnival is here. (For information on locating these Carnivals, see here)

When I don't tell where I found an item above, I either found it directly, or was probably pointed to it by the Librarian's Internet Index, SciTech Daily, or Arts and Letters Daily. All of these sources are great.

Thanks for reading! Keep clicking away.

Image source (public domain)

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