Sunday, November 25, 2007

"Head of Thy Church, Whose Spirit Fills," by Charles Wesley

This year is the 300th anniversary of Charles Wesley's birth. Wesley wrote many hymns. One that I have never heard is "Head of Thy Church, Whose Spirit Fills." These are the words, as posted by the Cyberhymnal:

Head of Thy church, whose Spirit fills
And flows through every faithful soul,
Unites in mystic love, and seals
Them one, and sanctifies the whole;

“Come, Lord,” Thy glorious Spirit cries,
And souls beneath the altar groan;
“Come, Lord,” the bride on earth replies,
“And perfect all our souls in one.”

Pour out the promised gift on all,
Answer the universal “Come!”
The fullness of the Gentiles call,
And take thine ancient people home.

To Thee let all the nations flow,
Let all obey the Gospel word;
Let all their bleeding Savior know,
Filled with the glory of the Lord.

O for Thy truth and mercy’s sake
The purchase of Thy passion claim!
Thine heritage the Gentiles take,
And cause the world to know Thy Name.

These words were published in 1749, hence are public domain.

Thanks for reading.

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