Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sunspots 176

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Wired reports that the newest version of Picasa, a free photo program, can recognize faces.

From Slate: Buying great eyeglasses cheaply on-line.

An article in Slate that discusses what's happened to the marital practices of evangelicals, using the Palin family as a springboard. What has happened is not good.

Henry Neufeld argues that "The Bible Does Not Contain Science ."

Image source (public domain)


  1. First of all, I think Hanna Rosin's attempt to link Murphy Brown to Bristol Palin was strained at best.

    While I agree that what is happening to evangelical marriages is a tragedy, this article doesn't try to explain it so much as use it as a springboard to criticize the Christian acceptance of Palin. The Left in this country still can't wrap their minds around why people love her.

    They may still be scratching their heads in November when she takes her oath of office.

  2. Thanks, Rob Rumfelt.

    I guess we'll see what happens in November.

  3. Whatever happens in November, it WON'T be Palin's oath of office. Boy, my old civics teacher would chew me out for that one! Let's try January.

    Also, I've been reading Psalms 47:8-9. A good reminder these days.

    Have a good day, Mr Labar.

  4. Thanks.

    See here for what Psalm 47:8-9 says.
