Tuesday, December 25, 2012

You shall call his name Jesus!

You shall call his name Jesus, for it is he who shall save his people from their sins. - Matthew 1:21b, World English Bible, public domain.

Clicking on the graphic should make it visible in a larger form.

Blessed Christmas to you all! Thanks for reading.


  1. I find it amazing that people think they are honoring
    God and Jesus Christ by substituting man-invented days
    and traditions, often borrowing customs from paganism
    to worship God, which God forbids (Deuteronomy 12:29-32),
    for the annual holy days and festivals that God actually
    commands, each of which has deep meaning for Christians,
    such as Passover (shed blood of Christ), Pentecost (the
    gift of God's Spirit), and Trumpets (second coming of
    Christ), to name just three of the seven festivals God
    has ordained.

    There is an article on the Web someplace that says that
    the Great Tribulation is coming as a punishment on the
    United States and Britain for our sins, and not just
    sins of obvious immorality such as pornography and
    abortion, but also for not keeping God's annual holy
    days and keeping days like Christmas and Easter instead.
    The website is called the meaning of Pentecost or the
    secret of Pentecost, something like that, but it says
    that something like 90% of our people will dies from
    war, disease, and famine in this punishment.

    I was raised in a Christmas-keeping tradition, but I no
    longer can keep it with a clear conscience.

  2. Thanks, anonymous. It's possible to honor Christ at Christmas time. Not easy, but possible.

    He did tell us to remember His death and resurrection.
