Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Sunspots 524

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Computing: Windows 10 is supposed to be out next month, free on computers with Windows 7 or 8. Gizmo's Freeware tells Windows users what to do if you don't want to upgrade to the new operating system.

National Public Radio reports on a public school kindergarten teacher in Vermont, who has been taking her kids outside, one day a week, all day, regardless of the weather.

Politics: (or philosophy, or The Law) NPR reports that the legal status of chimpanzees is still undecided -- it is possible that they may be granted some legal rights, following a trial. (The judge hadn't ruled yet, at the time of the report.)

Christianity Today reports that evangelical Christians, including the Southern Baptist Convention, are starting to fight against predatory lending. (Some predatory lenders charge 300% annual interest.)

Science: Wired reports on why road rage is so common.

NPR reports that the use of embryo transfer techniques is fairly common in cows. Some "elite" cows have numerous offspring, but have never given birth themselves -- surrogates do this.

Image source (public domain)


  1. "When the kids come back from the woods, they look happy and healthy, he says. "Schools need to be focusing on that, too."

    I love this story, and I love this line!

    While I don't think it is necessary to grant legal status to chimpanzees, I do feel that all animals (except possible nasty insects) should be treated kindly. All animals would probably rather not be kept in captivity.

    "...that Scripture speaks to the problem of predatory lending—condemning usury and teaching us to respect the God-given dignity of each person and to love our neighbors rather than exploit their financial vulnerability,” -- Yes!

  2. Thanks for your faithfulness in commenting on these posts.
