Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Sunspots 527

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else: 

Christianity: Relevant asks why so many Christians are afraid of dating.
Education: FiveThirtyEight questions some proposed limits on the time children spend watching screens of various kinds. The article claims that watching a TV program is of much less value than playing an interactive learning game on a tablet, for example.

Health: An article by a hospital psychiatrist, in First Things, on evidence that doing sex-change surgery doesn't really help those who have had the surgery. (Thanks to a reader for mentioning this to me.)

Humor: (Sort of) Relevant reports that Samsung has developed a transfer truck that you can "see through." That is, monitors on the back of the truck show drivers following it what is ahead of the truck.
Science: A video of a bird using bait to catch fish.

National Public Radio reports that the American Chestnut tree may be coming back, courtesy of some genetic engineering.

Wired reports on the difficulties of breeding better strawberries (and says that, yes, most strawberries could taste better.)

And Wired asks "Can my brain get too full?"

Image source (public domain)


  1. picked at peak ripeness and eaten in the sunshine. -- ahh!! everything tastes better that way, blackberries, strawberries, peaches, tomatoes - I can't think of anything one can eat raw that doesn't!

    Smart bird!

    Intriguing idea about the see-through truck. I do get frustrated when behind a big truck, even a SUV. I drive a Honda Accord.

    About the brain and memory, I have noticed that when I've been thinking of something, like song lyrics, or the names of classmates from elementary school (in old pictures), I can gradually remember more in a period of hours or days, after I've stopped actively thinking about it.

    My grandchildren don't sit and watch TV; they are dancing and twirling and playing about while it's on. They do pick up enough to tell me the storyline and sing the songs.

  2. Thanks for the comment. Your grandchildren seem to be safe, then.

    My memory works like that, too.
