Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Sunspots 556

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Christianity: Benjamin L. Corey on how to avoid attending a church that you don't disagree with, on important points.

Ken Schenck on killing someone in self-defense. (Or not.)

Computing: Putting jigsaw puzzles together may be good for your brain. Gizmo's Freeware mentions some sources, for Windows, iOS and Android.

Gizmo's Freeware reports on "Just Delete Me," an on-line service that makes untangling yourself from various on-line service more easily.

Gizmo's also reports on a web site that gives you a new temporary e-mail address, for those web pages that you want something from, but can't get it without an e-mail address, and don't want to use one that you really use.

Education: National Public Radio reports that the use of "they," and related words, as singular pronouns, has become more acceptable.

The Environment:
Wired reports on rooftop gardens.

Politics: The difference between being a Socialist and being a Democrat.

National Public Radio did a "reality check" on the President's State of the Union speech.

Sports: (and Women's Roles) Sports Illustrated, and other sources, report that Jessica Mendoza will become a full-time Major League Baseball broadcaster (not an on-the-field brief reporter) on "Sunday Night Baseball." She has already broadcast some games, as a replacement commentator.

Image source (public domain)


  1. Churches consist of humans. Humans are fallible. "We all like sheep have gone astray." That is why there is no such thing as a perfect church on earth, but we are all trying to follow Christ, I think.

    I am not one to criticize President Obama: however I wonder if his habit of using executive orders to achieve goals will backfire on us, depending on who his successor will be.

  2. No, there's no perfect church, and can't be, so long as I'm part of it.

    The exaggerated partisanship of recent years seems to have kept most left- and right-wing politicians, with important offices, from so much as talking to each other, let alone cooperating. The executive orders seem to be one result of that. Which doesn't make all of them smart actions by the President. As I understand it, there have been lots of other executive orders, by other Presidents, but they haven't been criticized so much. Possibly because their substance wasn't as important -- I don't know. One executive order is scheduled to be examined by the Supreme Court soon.

