Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Sunspots 741

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to
someone else:

Health: Listverse tells us 10 interesting things about sweat.

Grammarphobia discusses the naming of Viagra and a number of other drugs.

History: NPR discusses the awful history of the idea of white supremacy, which idea has been, and is, all too popular, for decades.

Humor: (or something) Gizmodo reports on toilet explosions.

Politics: Relevant points out that video game playing doesn't seem to be responsible for mass shootings.

Relevant reports that Chaldean Christians have been sent back to Iraq, where some of them had never been before, with predictable awful consequences.

Relevant takes the Lt. Governor of Texas to task for tying the shooting in El Paso to removal of prayer from the public schools. Franklin Graham apparently agreed with the Lt. Governor.

Catherine Rampell discusses the meaning of "drain the swamp" under the Trump administration. It doesn't mean what most of us thought it did.

Rampell also writes about how President Trump treats former aides/lawyers/whatever who are less than completely adulatory about the President. Not very well.

Michael Gerson on conspiracy theories, and President Trump.
Science: The Scientist tells us that space exploration by Israel, and the US, may have left living organisms on the moon.

The Scientist also reports that lots of bacteria in the ocean capture light energy by using a pigment different from chlorophyll.

. . . and The Scientist, and many other outlets, report on the serious weakening, perhaps even nullification, of the Endangered Species Act

NPR reports on the discovery of a very large fossil parrot.

Sports: Simone Biles shows us amazing excellence in gymnastics.

The graphic used in these posts is from NASA, hence, it is free to use like this.
Thanks for looking!

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