Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Sunspots 852

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to others*:

Christianity "Resurrecting Orthodoxy" explains what the Bible says about demons. It's complicated.

(and Computing) Relevant reports that the most-viewed Christian Facebook feeds, so-called, are almost all run by troll farms in Eastern Europe. (For what it's worth, I'd never seen or heard of any of them, except the Guideposts feed, which is apparently not run by such a troll farm.)

Relevant also has an article examining the idea of modesty. It's complicated, and many of us have been operating as if it's simple.

Environment: Gizmodo reports that a bee swarm killed over 60 endangered penguins in South Africa.

Gizmodo also reports that summer 2021 wildfires, mostly in the US and Siberia, emitted more carbon dioxide than the country of India did.:

Politics: An audit of Arizona's fall Presidential election ballots, by a firm picked by the GOP legislators, found that, is anything, President Biden got more votes than were reported in November, according to Fox News and other outlets.

FiveThirtyEight on why bipartisanship in the Senate is so rare.

Science: Gizmodo tells us about tiny parasitic, nearly transparent fish found in the Amazon.

NPR reports that Mars may have been too small to hold its water from gradually escaping Martian gravity.

Gizmodo reports on the creation of new languages -- there have been some such, recently.

The graphic used in these posts is from NASA, hence, it is free to use like this.

*I try not to include items that require a password or fee to view.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Those news outlets are doing their audience a disservice. That's the kindest interpretation I can give it. Until I started tracing primary sources and following primary sources, I had no idea how misreported the news was.

    Re: the Maricopa audit, the major audit leaders have released their findings publicly, and the people are available for interviews. Why aren't they being interviewed by of the major media outlets? When listening to / reading the various team reports directly, the primary sources are not shy about pointing out that they found several times more fraud than the margin of victory. Why would an honest media outlet neglect to mention that? Why would the media not want to interview the primary sources on a story of national interest?

    For instance, one finding (Dr Shiva Ayyadurai's analysis) was that there were roughly 27,000 duplicate mail-in ballots in Maricopa County (duplicate = the same person sent in more than one ballot) ... and that the prevalence of duplicate ballots sharply increased November 4-9 (election day was November 3). There were also a significant number of mail-in ballots without any signature. Many ballots were on the wrong paper. (The people who did the recount portion also reported that many ballots had clearly been filled out by computer, with the vote selections pre-printed on them.) The major media didn't report the envelopes where the acceptance stamp was pre-printed on the envelope instead of stamped when someone actually approved it (which was discernible by the approval stamp being underneath things it should have been on top of). The audit showed far more invalid votes in one county than the margin of votes for the state, and showed signs of large-scale systematic fraud, according to primary sources, which are the only ones I consider trusting anymore.

    Honest coverage of the audit would have mentioned that and more; I only went into Dr Shiva's presentation here. I would strongly urge only trusting primary sources.

    Take care & God bless
    Anne K

  2. Fwiw, the outlets that actually talk to the auditors such as Dr Shiva show that he is still working to get to the bottom of such issues. One concern he has is whether he may have been supplied with files that were compressed or otherwise not-best-available material. It sounds to me like he's hoping to repeat some of his analysis with better material, if they're willing to supply it. Though I will say: the hope may be all mine. I'm a firm believer in best-available data.
