Friday, December 24, 2004

Christ came as an embryo

We don't seem to know what day, or even what year, Christ was born, but he was born.

Christ didn't come as a baby. He came as an embryo. Did He retain any of His divine omniscience and omnipotence during that period? I don't know, but I suspect that He didn't retain all of it. The Bible teaches that He was tempted like we are. I don't know if fetuses are tempted. However, to really be like us, He must have had an experience much like ours, and I suspect that that meant, after He was born, not being able to speak for a year or so, and, before He was born, giving up some of his powers and awareness. Was this easy for the Creator of the Universe? I wouldn't think so--the cross wasn't.

If He gave anything up, He did it for me.


  1. Great writing. You've been blogging since 2004. WOW. A real pioneer, Martin. ALL JOY!

  2. Thanks.

    To put it another way, I haven't had anything better to do, or at least I haven't done it.
