Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Well, I didn't claim, in this previous post, to be the only person who finds beauty in trees in winter, and it's a good thing I didn't, because I'm not.

See Bonnie's posts here, and here and here (including photos), and especially here (lots of photos).

Clearly, I haven't been subscribing to her blog long enough. Thanks, Bonnie!

I just went over to Flickr (it's free, but you have to join) and searched for "leafless," and saw some other good pictures.

A Google search for "leafless" turned up a sermon by Charles Spurgeon on "The Leafless Tree," based on Isaiah 6:13, delivered in 1857. A Google image search turns up quite a few photos, some apparently of a rock group with that name.

I expect to get back to some more musings on trees and leaves in future posts.

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