Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Some interesting posts/blogs/threads

Eternal Perspectives has a great post entitled "The Vast Godblog Wasteland." (You may also want to see my own previous post, "on Evangelical blogging.") Eternal Perspectives also has a serious post on how an Evangelical should be defined, and two more on how we should think of Israel. (here and here)

A discussion, considering the question of what C. S. Lewis thought about evolution, has been going on in Google groups for a few days. One person, asking why anyone should care, posted this (and some more), "if he accepted or didn't accept that (for example) the earth moved around the sun, that would make his theology neither more nor less valid, nor his fiction more nor less entertaining."

K's Cafe: The 30 Second Blog has some interesting stuff. The author has posted an original poem on "Aspen Trees in Winter." (I've done a post on leaflessness, and Bonnie has some good photos of trees in winter.) The blogger has posted compilations of verbs, adjectives, and nouns used to refer to God in the Psalms. There's a diversity of what seems to be other good stuff, too, including photos and poetry.

The Window in the Garden Wall: A C. S. Lewis blog, is predictable. Predictably good, if you like longish C. S. Lewis quotations, apparently from all his works, not just a few. They come with an interesting graphic, often one appropriate to the quotation. There's also sometimes a "What C. S. Lewis was doing on this date" feature, or a special link relating to CSL.

Carl Zimmer, science writer, discusses evidence that there is a mental state, minimally conscious, that has not been widely recognized, in which the person has brain activity, but is "locked in." He discusses some of the implications for end-of-life decisions, and suggests that we have not done enough for people in such a state.

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As of October 11, 2012, this post is generating more spam comments than I want to deal with, so I am disabling the comment feature on it. Sorry.

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