Saturday, March 05, 2005

Temptations in Narnia: Prince Caspian

Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia is the second book (in the order that C. S. Lewis wrote them) in the Narnia series. The four Pevensie children are called back to Narnia, centuries after the events in the first book (time in England and Narnia isn't synchronous) to rescue Prince Caspian, the true king, who is being attacked by his uncle, the usurper, Miraz. Here are some of the main instances of moral choice/temptation in this book:

Trumpkin, the dwarf, doubts the authenticity of the Pevensie children, who are the Kings and Queens of Narnia returned. He finally accepts them for real, but it takes a while. Here, then, is a temptation that isn't on the list of seven: doubt. Lewis believed that doubt was important. He wrestled with doubts when his wife died. John 3:16 emphasizes doubt's opposite, belief. The Old Testament emphasizes that the Israelites sinned because they doubted what God had done for them.

Aslan tells Lucy that the children, and Trumpkin, are to go a certain way. The others don't believe that she has heard directions from Aslan. Later, Aslan tells Lucy that it would have been better if she, by herself, had followed his directions.

Nikabrik, the dwarf, is tempted, and succumbs to it, to ally himself with a hag and a werewolf, and even to have these bring back the White Witch (which doesn't happen).

Reepicheep, the mouse, is tempted to put honour too high in his scale of values. Aslan chides him for this, but seems to decide to overlook it.

Glozelle and Sopespian are tempted to assassinate Miraz, and do so.

Aslan, Bacchus, Susan and Lucy travel through some towns. The inhabitants are asked to join them. Most are tempted not to, and don't.


  1. I am thinking their last name is actually Pevensy (Pevensies being the plural). I can't find a good reference to it online, though. You could be right.

  2. Actually, their last name is Pevensie. Names don't change spelling when made plural - an s or es is simply added.
