Wednesday, April 06, 2005

"Further In" with the arts

Thanks to a Bloglines search for C. S. Lewis, I found Jared Wilson's blog, Mysterium Tremendum. That's the good news. The bad news is that he has stopped posting for now, because he is concentrating on writing a book.

I have received (so far) 15 comments on the post "on Evangelical Blogging," which is a record for me. (I also got an additional insightful e-mail from our younger daughter.) The thesis was that the purpose of blogging by a Christian shouldn't always be to argue for a particular stand on various issues, or even to evangelize, but it should always be to strive for excellence. It was mostly a quote of Lewis, which is why it rang true with some of those who commented.

Wilson has said the same thing, more often, better, and more specifically. He has much more experience in writing for the public. As he does, I recommend his "On Writing" as a jumping-off place for examining what he had to say. This post is a listing of what he considers to be some of his best posts on that subject. Posts listed deal with being on the same frequency as readers, mediocrity in what "Christian" readers expect, the conversion experience as described in fiction, and objectionable content. There are other good topics, too.

See also "God’s Refrigerator: Can Christians Save the Visual Arts (Part II)"

On another note, see this week's Christian Carnival, featuring over 60 posts on many subjects.

* * * * *
I added a "he" after the "that" in the 3rd sentence on April 11th.

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousMay 28, 2005

    Hello, Martin, this is Jared. In one of my occasional bursts of narcissistic exploration, I Googled my name and came across this post of yours.

    I appreciate the kind words and the links. While I am on indefinite hiatus from Mysterium Tremendum, I just wanted to let you know that I am blogging sporadically at (still trying to cut down, though) and more regularly at a new place -- -- that is a little different from my previous blogfare.

    The book is going well, and while it is still incomplete I have recently begun serious talks with my agent on how best to shop it around to publishers.

    Thanks again!
