Thursday, May 26, 2005

Sunspots 10

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Eye of Science contains a gallery of amazing photos of small things, taken with high-tech equipment.

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Here's a (fictional) humorous exchange of messages about an elephant and a circus.

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From Project Gutenberg: Old Testament Legends Being Stories out of Some of the Less-Known Apocryphal Books of the Old Testament by M. R. James, including stories about the death of Adam and Eve, the courtship of Joseph and Aseneth [sic], and others, is here.

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The Window in the Garden Wall, a daily C. S. Lewis quote blog, posted a quote on May 23rd about dull writing. I wonder what Lewis would have said about most blogs, including this one?

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Bonnie, at Off the Top, has completed her postings on Lewis' The Abolition of Man. Many people point to this book as prophetic about much related to technology. If you've never read it, read her eight posts.

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The Latest Christian Carnival is at this blog, and was posted on May 25th.

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Cameron (full disclosure--he's our nephew) continues describing his family's fascinating adventures with Russian culture, and, in separate posts, continues describing what missions should be like. He's a good writer, and I can say that, as he's from my wife's side of the family.


  1. AnonymousMay 26, 2005

    I love the Eye of Science webpage! Those pictures are incredible.

  2. AnonymousMay 26, 2005

    The Old Testament Legends Being Stories out of Some of the Less-Known Apocryphal Books of the Old Testament was very interesting. It's cool to think about what the entire life of various Biblical characters was like, even the details that were left out of the Bible.
