Thursday, May 12, 2005

Sunspots 8

THANKS TO GOD! I didn't say that explicitly at the retirement luncheon for me and several others, held at my institution this week, and I surely should have. Not thanks that I am retiring, but thanks for 41 good--no, great--years. Thanks also to a lot of other people, who will never read this, but who made the arrangements, and said various nice things, and to my wife, daughters, and grandson, for showing up, and acting like they enjoyed it. Daughters, that was great. Thanks again.

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I began teaching a class the day after the luncheon. . .

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The latest Christian Carnival is here. For anyone interested in Women in the Church, there is a link to a post by that title, about 2/3 of the way down the Carnival's listing of posts. I'd link to it directly, but that might deprive someone of seeing a mention of another post that they really should read.

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Google Guide gives good tips on using Google, but is not affiliated with that service/site/behemoth/whatever.

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Suggestions from Project Gutenberg, which posts public domain books--lots of them:
Christopher Morley's Plum Pudding of divers Ingredients, Discreetly Blended & Seasoned, a book of essays published in 1921, includes two gems on writing as a profession, "The Perfect Reader" and "The Rudeness of Poets." (There are more gems, on other subjects, that I didn't get around to reading, I'm sure.)
Kate Greenway's A Apple Pie is an alphabet book with color illustrations done in 1886. I suggest downloading the zipped version.

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For anyone interested in my basketball post, yesterday, here's more on Kwame Brown.

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