Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Sunspots 9

Two posts on the Trilemma, posed by C. S. Lewis: either Christ was God's son, or crazy. One post here, another here. They come to somewhat different conclusions about the validity of Lewis' logic.

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Five U. S. Senators, from both parties, introduced a bill, on April 21, 2005, that would allow some kinds of somatic cell nuclear transfer, under these, and other conditions: human eggs used in such research must be unfertilized; egg donations must be voluntary, with no financial reward for egg donors, nuclear transfer may not be undertaken in labs doing in vitro fertilization. There is a House bill, introduced in May, that would also attempt to control embryonic stem cell research, thus, in effect, relaxing some of the restrictions on such research.

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Article in Wired, discussing guidelines produced by the National Academies of Science to regulate the possible production of human-animal chimeras.

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Cameron, at points to ponder, has commented a second time about communication, and also posted about Russian seasons, and his infant son.

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If you are sick, be careful--it may not be a good idea to look for information on the web!

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Wittenberg Gate has some posts on what the influence of Biblical belief in government should be.

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Science & Spirit is an on-line periodical that may be of interest to some of you. I was particularly interested in (and read) the articles "Curtain Call" and "The Next Philosophy."

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See today's Christian Carnival. I'm glad I did. I found a former student's blog, two reviews of an author I like, and a discussion of the chronology of part of 1st Samuel that I had seen, but couldn't re-locate.

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