Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Sunspots 13

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Somehow, I've missed the Flickr blog, until now. Mostly, or entirely, photos.

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Adrian Warnock posts on ". . . Why Blog?"

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Project Gutenberg has posted The Wonder Book of Bible Stories, compiled by Logan Marshall, an old book with lots of pictures, which is public domain.

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Slate claims that news stories reporting that some pharmacists want to refuse to dispense morning-after pills are mostly made up, as scare tactics, by pro-choicers, with some evidence for that claim.

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Fish schools achieve directional consensus by mathematical rules, according to this news article.

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Patterns of movie attendance also can be predicted mathematically, according to this news article. (There's a link to the original paper, including the math, if you want to see it.)

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Joan Didion has written a thoughtful "The Case of Theresa Schiavo," in The New York Review of Books.

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This week's Christian Carnival is here.

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