Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Sunspots 14

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

The birth announcement of John Christopher Knox, who is not related to me. His mother has a page of helpful links for parents of little ones--click on the link at the left of John's page.

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Pastor Perry Noble (not my pastor, but he went to my church when he was a kid) asks "Should Church Be Entertaining?" You may be surprised at his answer.

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The Electronic Frontier Foundation's Legal Guide for Bloggers.

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The Native Plant Information Network has a glossary, a database with information about 5,200 native plants, and an image gallery with 17,000 images.

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Orac responds thoughtfully to the idea that evolution is just a theory.

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Botany Photo of the Day, from the University of British Columbia, has RSS feeds with some marvellous pictures.

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Article on Terri Schiavo, by a lawyer, in First Things, which claims that the courts followed the laws of Florida, but that "Those laws, like the laws of most states, expressly provide that a guardian may starve to death a ward in a persistent vegetative state . . .," and are therefore unjust laws.

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Hannah answers the question, "Is the Intellectual Life of Conservative Christians Simple?" with a thoughtful "No, it shouldn't be." This post was the winner of the Intellectuelle contest, restricted to female Christians. For all winners, go here.

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This week's Christian Carnival is here. It's just been posted, and I haven't read any entries, save mine.

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