Saturday, July 23, 2005

More on Flickr and Blogrolls

Brandy has implemented two Flickr features that I haven't yet, but which strike me as cool.

1) She has included an animated badge, which is a random presentation of combinations of thumbnails of the photos she has stored in Flickr. You'll see this at the left. You have to be a Flickr member, and have photos stored, to do this. If you are, click on the "What is this?" at the bottom of her badge.

2) In this post, she has her name spelled with Flickr photos. You can click on the "Spell with Flickr" link she has provided, and try it yourself, using other letters. If you don't like the photo for, say, a W, you can click on the letter, and Flickr will substitute another photo for you. You don't have to be a Flickr member to do this. Numbers, and some punctuation (at least the ! and the ?) are supported. There may be a length limit.

I have discovered something I didn't know. My Flickr photos weren't coming up in photo searches. I finally e-mailed Flickr tech support, and they responded quickly, and told me that the problem was that I had included some non-photographic material, namely two charts and two line drawings. Flickr restricted my entire account, so that no one could find one of my photos by searching for a keyword, because Flickr wants to major on photos, and most searchers expect to find photos when they search, not charts, line drawings, or textual material. I have changed this, and presumably my account status will be changed.

I have seldom used my own blogroll, but just did, and I'm glad I recently added Brandy to it. I use Bloglines to subscribe to RSS feeds, including blogs. Bloglines went down for maintenance. I used my own blog's (I can remember that URL--so far) blogroll to get to Brandy's blog, which URL I didn't remember.

* * * * *

October 6, 2012: After a flurry of spam comments on this post, I am no longer allowing comments on it. In the remote chance that you want to comment on it, please pick another post, and indicate that you really wanted to comment on this one. Thanks.

P. S. I now use Google Reader, rather than Bloglines. I do have a blog roll in my blog. Brandy is no longer an active blogger, as far as I know. Sorry about that.

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJuly 25, 2005

    I'm glad you're finding some of the things I stumble upon useful! The Flickr badge would definitely be a great addition to your blog.
