Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Sunspots 21

Things I have recently spotted, over the last month, that may be of interest to someone else:

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The Wikipedia continues to impress me. I found their article on Hurricane Katrina to be the best single source of information on the subject. Each day, there is a list of selected anniversaries, a featured article, news, and (some days) a featured picture.

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Article by William Dembski, one of the most vocal advocates of Intelligent Design, commending President Bush for his words on the subject, and making clear that he, Dembski, is not a young-earth creationist.

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Pastor Perry Noble on living within the culture. Sample:
One of the things that I love about Jesus is that He was never an opponent of the culture He lived in. He never staged a protest in regards to the Roman occupation of His country. He never rallied the religious to begin to picket the local prostitutes. He never asked people to write a letter complaining about the illegal practices of local tax collectors. He never longed for "the good 'ole days" when so & so was king. Nope--He simply started where His culture was...and instead of working against it--He used it to reach and minister to the masses that had been neglected by the Pharisees of the day.

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Sir Tim Berners-Lee, who, more than anyone else, invented the Web, interviewed on subjects like blogging and the reliability of Web information.

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This admonition from Proverbs: 21:13 Whoever closes his ear to the cry of the poor will himself call out and not be answered. (ESV)

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Caitlin Andrews and friends throw a thrift store ball.

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Articles attacking Intelligent Design are abundant (there are also articles defending it!). This one argues that "Intelligent Design has no Place in the Science Curriculum." Another argues that certain aspects of human anatomy display a lack of design.

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Catez has some thoughts for those who think Hurricane Katrina was God's special judgment on that area, or the US.

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The latest Christian Carnival is somewhere out there, but I don't know where. (Addendum: It's here. The theme involves icons, no less. I haven't read any of the entries yet.)

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