Thursday, November 10, 2005

Perspectives: Christianity & Science, Mar 2003

Unfortunately, the American Scientific Affiliation is not an organization that is widely known. Too bad. This organization, of and for evangelical scientists, has existed for several decades, and publishes a quarterly journal, Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith. The articles, book reviews, and letters in that publication are posted on-line for public access after a delay of several months.

The March, 2003 issue is available. There are several articles, including the following (articles are in .pdf format):
"Looking to the Birds: A Perspective on the Interpretation of Nature," by David Lahti is hard to classify, but it's a splendid meditation on God and nature. The birds described are African weaverbirds. Lahti quotes from, among others, C. S. Lewis, John Bunyan, Søren Kierkegaard and John Calvin, as well as citing or quoting several scientific sources.

"Miracles, Intelligent Design, and God-of-the-Gaps," by Jack Collins and "The Panda’s Thumb: Design and Optimality from Plato to Endo," by Richard Thornhill, are important contributions to the discussion of Intelligent Design. Thornhill argues that, in ancient times, design was not believed to always result in perfection, hence minimizing one of the arguments against ID.

Carol Hill and Art Hill (unrelated, so far as I know) have an exchange of letters on whether Noah's flood was world-wide or not.

There are other items which should also be of interest.


  1. Thanks for this posting. I'm not sure we want to put too much focus on science because science cannot as of yet see like the Holy Spirit sees, sort of holographically. Whether ones uses a telescope, microscope, or other means of measure and observation, science is still severly limited to judging by surface appearances. Jesus tells us there is so much more going on that it's silly to even try to judge by surface appearances.

  2. Too much, no, but some, yes. Psalm 19 and Romans 1 tell us that nature reveals truth about God. I take it that science is the main way of exploring nature. Great scientists of the past, and some great scientists of today, have seen themselves as finding out about God through their research.

    Thanks for commenting!
