Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Sunspots 32

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Christianity Today editorial, praising the Harry Potter books for their Christian themes, and Christianity Today review of the fourth HP movie.

And, while we're on Christianity Today, this is superfluous, because you all read it already, right? Just in case you don't, there's an article on possible lapses in ethics, maybe even deaths of egg donors, by the Korean embryo transfer team, and another on the meaning of the "submit" passage in Ephesians. Of the four items I have cited, I would say that the last one is most important.

Wired reports on efforts to develop plants to grow on Mars. New Scientist reports that a lichen was able to survive exposure to space for two weeks.

Rebecca reminds us of what the Westminster Larger Catechism says in answer to "What is the Word of God?" The answer is, basically, all scripture, and, like the Apostles' Creed, should be read and/or said every now and then.

The Kaiser Family Foundation has released their biannual report on Sex on TV.

I have discovered that, although I am relying on it more and more, Google Desktop isn't perfect. I recalled a file, using my own gray matter, that Google Desktop couldn't find. Windows Search did.

Rebecca has been posting on thankfulness all month. I should have. She has included things that others are thankful for.

If you are interested in the Korean stem cell egg-obtainment controversy, you should read the parts of the current issue of The American Journal of Bioethics that are available without subscription (including an article by Kyu Won Jung and Insoo Hyun on consent procedures used, and a commentary on that article) and this post from the same source. There is also a post that states that the lead researcher, Woo-Suk Hwang, was deliberately not informed that some egg donors were paid.

Page entitled "What is the Difference Between a Sweet Potato and a Yam," and giving the differences.

From the History Channel, an exhibit on the history of toys and games. (Thanks to the Librarians' Internet Index for this and the previous entry)

This week's Christian Carnival is here.

Image source (public domain)

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