Thursday, December 15, 2005

Review of Narnia film by Locus

Locus Online is published by a periodical concerned with fantastic literature. They have published a serious review of "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe," written by a self-confessed "liberal feminist atheist." The review is surprisingly sympathetic.

The reviewer considers the Christianity in the film, and in Lewis's writing in general, and calls Lewis "less-than-enlightened" for it. However, she forgives, and writes that she was particularly impressed with how C. S. Lewis treated females:

. . . in the Narnia books, this supposedly backwards man created female heroes (not all white) and female villains who are more active, more numerous, more believable, and more in control of their own destinies than the so-called heroines and villainesses of all too many recent fantasy/SF movies and books. And, to its credit, the movie adaptation of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe leaves its strong female characters strong.

I'm trying to think of non-white heroines in the writing of Lewis, without access to my Lewis library. I'm guessing that the woman who was Eve, more or less, in Perelandra was green, and that Aravis, the Calormene princess in The Horse and His Boy wasn't white. Help me out. Are there others?

1 comment:

  1. I'd say one of Lewis's most impressive women heroes was Orual in Till We Have Faces. I think she is not dark skinned, but she is not fair and beautiful either.
