Friday, December 09, 2005

Temptations in Narnia

In honor of the Narnia movie, opening in theaters today, I am posting references to a series of my earlier posts, exploring the idea of temptations experienced by various characters in the Narnia books. I have also explored the idea of temptation, in general, a little.

The post on The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe is here.

The post on Prince Caspian is here.

The post on The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is here.

The post on The Horse and His Boy is here.

The post on The Magician's Nephew is here.

The post on The Silver Chair is here.

The post on The Last Battle is here.

Escape temptation, and enjoy the movie. Read the books, if necessary, again.


  1. I am so excited about the new movie! Definitely seeing it this weekend.

  2. I loved the new movie. I felt that the parallel between Alsan and Christ was much more evident in this movie than the old BBC ones. I'm re-reading the books starting today!
