Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Sunspots 39

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Slate has a slide show essay about bringing the quagga back to life. (This zebra-like animal has been extinct for over a century)

Slate also has an article on a woman who was disconnected from life support because her hospital bill was unpaid.

New Scientist says that there is evidence for some simple organic molecules surrounding a star.

Sara is pregnant. She discovers that there's another life growing inside her, besides the fetus.

The Librarian's Internet Index alerted me to an exhibit on the history of polymers.

Spirits in Bondage, a collection of poems by C. S. Lewis (written before his conversion, in 1919, and now public domain) is available from Project Gutenberg.

Edge's question for its large panel of experts (mostly scientists) is "What is your most dangerous idea?" I haven't read all 119 of these . . . I don't think Joe Carter has, either, but he's not happy with the whole thing.

Joe has also posted on a study of the psychology of torture, as related to what's happening with the media. The comments, unfortunately (he gets a lot) mostly degenerated to partisan finger-pointing.

From the CBC (That's a Canadian entity, for those not familiar with it) comes an article on the accuracy of the Wikipedia.

Christianity Today has an article on the commercialization of Narnia, or rather, on the non-commercialization of Calvin and Hobbes, whose creator does not want his comic strip used to sell fast food and shirts. (Those decals, showing Calvin engaged in a bodily function, on the back windows of pick-up trucks, are unauthorized.)

Some interesting models related to showing mathematical ideas are here.

Perry writes about how a Christian should respond to the death of a loved one.

Ken Schenck, bible scholar, comments on Pat Robertson's suggestion that Ariel Sharon's stroke was the result of giving part of Israel to the Palestinians.

This week's Christian Carnival is here. (For information on locating these Carnivals, see here)

Image source (public domain)

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