Friday, January 06, 2006

Three Questions: maybe this is a meme

On National Public Radio recently (sorry, I can't remember what the program was, or who was being interviewed) I heard a woman say that she was going around asking people three questions.

Here they are:
What do you live for?

What would you die for?

What would you kill for?

I know the answers I'd like to give, which are:
I live for Jesus Christ alone.

I would die rather than betraying my faith, and I would die to protect my family.

I would kill only if necessary to prevent some great evil.

How would these answers hold up in real life? I'm not sure, except for the first one, and I know I live too much for me.

Think about it. I'd be interested in your reaction. If anyone wants to make this into a meme, complete with tagging others, do so, please.


  1. I think I'd have to agree with your answers on this one. However, I don't know if I could ever actually go through with killing anybody, despite the reason. Maybe in self defense or defense of a family member, but I think the guilt would be with me forever. Thanks for the meme!

  2. I would have to think about that awhile.

  3. Thanks, ladies. I thought about it quite a bit, and am not fully satisfied with my answers to any of the three questions.

  4. I've thought about it a bit, and decided to put my answers in writing and join the meme:

    1 - Currently, I live for the Future. I intend to be a missionary (at God's behest), and my thoughts and long-term decisions revolve around that. I can't claim it's the right thing to live for, since I should be living for Christ instead of my works, but I'm doing my best to be honest.

    2 - I would die to protect my younger brother, and I would die for my faith. Those are the two I'm sure about. I'd like to say that I'd die for each one of my family members' or friends' lives, but I can't know for sure.

    3 - I doubt that I could kill another human being. But if I managed it, it would be to protect the life of a helpless person. I'm certain that I could be inspired to wrathful action in that situation, but I don't know if I could take a life. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't kill to save my own life.

  5. Thanks, Adam. That's about where I am, too.

  6. Martin,

    First, thanks for visiting my site... I always appreciate getting feedback from folks on 'the other side of the asile'.

    Pretty compelling questions... here are my answers:
    1. My family & the future of human creating

    2. My family & my country

    3. same as #2
