Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Sunspots 56

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

A site about ethanol use for fuel (ethanol from corn).

Stephen L. Carter defends the ACLU.

Thanks to a correspondent, an article on a bear, hybrid between grizzly and polar bear.

Kevin on how to preach biblically, especially about tithing.

A report on the sequencing of DNA from Neanderthals.

Melinda has some thoughts on the ethics of Google. (See the comments, too.)

Some images:

mary2678 has posted a group of photos showing how to clone yourself photographically (combined with some demonstrations of acrobatics). To see the whole thing, with her excellent work at both ends of the camera, start here, and click on the thumbnail photos at the right.

NASA has produced what it says are the highest-definition photos of the earth from space so far.

New Scientist says that the biggest map of the universe ever has been produced.

This week's Christian Carnival is here. (For information on locating these Carnivals, see here)

When I don't tell where I found an item above, I either found it directly, or was probably pointed to it by the Librarian's Internet Index, SciTech Daily, or Arts and Letters Daily. All of them are great.

Image source (public domain)

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