Saturday, July 15, 2006

SWU Science alumni reception invite

The Science faculty at SWU only do some things every 100 years or so. We're doing one of them in about three months, and you are invited. It's a drop-in reception for all former students who were connected with science. (This includes math and computing, plus biology, chemistry and the health fields). Please come. It’s free, from 4 to 5 P. M., Saturday, October 28, 2006, around three months away. Another retired science faculty member and I are in charge of organizing and publicizing the event. Since several science alumni have occasionally read this blog, I'm using this means to invite all of you.

Bring anyone you want to with you.

Bring your memories.

Bring old photos and yearbooks.

Bring your camera and record the aging process in your contemporaries. (Also the faculty. In addition to the current faculty, some of whom have accumulated a few years, we are inviting all former full-time faculty, and expect one or more of them -- we hope all -- to be present.)

Come early, and see what God has done on our campus since you left (Even if you graduated in May ’06.). See current science and computer labs, new buildings, and renovations in old buildings. If you want a guide, come to the upstairs Science Building between 3:15 and 3:30. We’ll get you to the reception in time. Stay for the Centennial Homecoming Banquet. Seating begins at 5:00. (That isn’t free – sorry!) There are other events all day Saturday. If you were a member of a choir or music group, come Friday night for rehearsal and sing at 7, right after the Banquet.

The site for the reception is the Mitchell Room, in the Jennings Campus Life Center. The Mitchell Room is on the top floor, in the corner of the building closest to the Rickman Library. There is an elevator, if you need it. The Banquet is in the building right across the street. Light refreshments will be served at the Reception.

This is not an RSVP event. You don't have to let us know if you are coming -- just come. We'd be glad to hear from you, though.

In Christian Love,

Martin LaBar, Professor of Science emeritus

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