Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sunspots 73

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

A blog post about the keynote address of Francis Collins, long-time director of the human genome project, and a Christian, at the annual convention of the American Scientific Affiliation (ASA), an organization of Christian scientists. Collins was strongly influenced to become a Christian by C. S. Lewis's Mere Christianity. The speech is posted on the ASA web site.
The ASA main page is now offering a free on-line reprint, in .PDF form, of Daniel Wonderly's book, Neglect of Geologic Data:Sedimentary Strata Compared with Young-Earth Creationist Writings.

The Reference Library (book review) section of the latest issue of Analog includes a review of Rick Sutcliffe's The General. Says the reviewer, after pointing out the flavor of the book, which is probably aimed at the Christian Bookseller's Association market: "Yet you don’t have to share his beliefs to enjoy the story. It works well as multigenerational dynastic intrigue." I haven't read any Sutcliffe.

I am not making this up. There's a Demon Possession Handbook for Human Services Workers available free as a .PDF file. I'm not completely sure what to make of it. It claims that a lot of bad things people do are the result of intermittent demon possession. Maybe so.

In Wired, a great tongue-in-cheek article on blogging. Also, Antonio Vivaldi is still composing. (He's probably well on the way to decomposition by now. Sorry!)

Also from Wired, a chart of deaths in the U. S. for 1995-2005, inclusive, shows that during that period (which included the Oklahoma City bombing) we were more likely to have been killed by police officers than by terrorists.

"For one thing, [Christ's] instructions look like they're beyond us. For another, they are. The reason is that many of us are out of shape, spiritually speaking." - from this article in Christianity Today.

An Encyclical by Pope John Paul II, Centesimus annus, issued May 1, 1991, in which he addressed, among other things, issues of environmental stewardship (section 37).

This week's Christian Carnival is here. (For information on locating these Carnivals, see here.)

When I don't tell where I found an item above, I either found it directly, or was probably pointed to it by the Librarian's Internet Index, SciTech Daily, or Arts and Letters Daily. All of these sources are great.

Thanks for reading! Keep clicking away.

Image source (public domain)


  1. Wow
    What a great video. His talk really struck to points I've been considering, such as how dare us as humans to try to limit who God is, based on our Science.

    A second point is this, if we tell our children they must choose science or God, they are going to look at the beauty of a butterfly one day and say....ok, i choose science. A generation will be lost on man's made up conditions.

    What I don't understand is why more people in the church don't stand up and say enough of this foolish creation science. It's not true. It's time we teach truth.

  2. That's great, elbogz.

    I think you are right on your second point, which is terrible. I believe that some people have been lost to Christ's kingdom because of dogmatic insistence on young-earth creationism.
