Thursday, December 28, 2006

Reflections on Christmas

Holy family olive wood nativity Christmas

The photo above is of one of our nativity sets. This one is of olive wood, and, although Jesus is chipped (you can see it if you look at the very front) we still use it. This photo is posted on Flickr. If you want to see a larger size, or see more of our photos, click on it. No password is needed.

We were glad to have our daughters, our son-in-law, and our grandson here for several days.

A colleague of mine once remarked that when Jesus was born, the night sky was lighted by angels and a star, and when he died, the noon sky was darkened. He could have also said that we suppose there will be special effects in the lighting when He returns.

God's best at this and all seasons. Thanks for reading.


  1. That is interesting, about the night being light, and the day being darkened.

    We have an olive wood carving of Joseph,Mary, and Jesus, with Mary and baby on a donkey.

  2. Ah. No doubt you enjoy yours as much as we enjoy ours.

