Saturday, January 13, 2007

Theodicy, or the problem of evil/pain

Henry has begun posting on Theodicy. His first post on the subject refers favorably to a long article, "Christian Theodicy in Light of Genesis and Modern Science," by William Dembski. Henry, as he says, is not much of a Dembski fan, which makes his approval of this article more impressive.

The Dembski article weighs in at 52 pages, so don't hold your breath until I post about it. I may, or may not, but I wanted to mention it.

The problem of theodicy is a serious challenge to believers. (The Wikipedia article on the subject gives 9 different views on the subject.) One aspect of this is that different views of origins differ in how they deal with decay and death in non-human organisms. Henry, and, apparently, Dembski, are well worth reading as they consider this subject.

Thanks for reading!

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