Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sunspots 132

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Seen on a tee-shirt: "I'd put something clever here, but you wouldn't get it."

This is an old article, but I hadn't seen it: ABC TV on US torture techniques. Waterboarding was administered to CIA officers, who asked for relief after an average of 14 seconds. Bad information was given by some prisoners, and formed the basis for US action. Some prisoners have died under torture.

Slate on how to tell the difference between Haydn and Mozart.

Somebody or other puts out a Daily Bible Verse feed, which you can add to various types of blogs/MySpace pages, etc.

I just found Keith P. Graham's suggested "Laws of Science Fiction Writing," apparently posted in 2005. Interesting and provocative! It includes some laws for fantasy, too.

A well-written review of a book on how Christians are perceived by young adults in the U. S. (Not very well).

Bonnie clarifies hypocrisy .

This week's Christian Carnival is here. For information on these Carnivals, go here.

Thanks for reading! Keep clicking away.

Image source (public domain)


  1. Oh goody!!! I found your blog. Your comments are going to go up drastically now!!! (Remember, I'm an expert communicator!!!)

    I'm on a hotel computer in Indy just now 'cause Greg had his surgery today so I don't have time to "digest" this blog - - - but I'll be back OFTEN to digest and COMMENT later - - - -

    So FUN to find you. Oooops - - - rather, so fun that you found me!!!

  2. Thanks, Keetha!

    Hope Greg's surgery went OK, whatever it was.

  3. It went well, and we are both home tonight - - - just got here. It was the removal (not the noninvasive lithotripsy type, the good old fashioned cutting out type) of three large kidney stones. My husband is a fantastic creator of chemcial sedimentary rock!!!!

  4. Oh BTW - - - I did leave you a comment answer on my blog too, did you find it?
