Thursday, November 29, 2007

Happy Birthday, C. S. Lewis!

Clive Staples (Jack) Lewis, was born on this date in 1898, in Belfast, Ireland. He also died in November, on the same day that U. S. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

Lewis has had a great deal of influence on me, and, thus, on this blog. I am pleased to thank God for his work. While studying for a graduate science degree at the University of Wisconsin, I stumbled on his Narnia books in the university library -- not in a science section, but in the children's literature section, where I was looking for some good reading -- and have since read almost all of Lewis, much of it several times. In The Silver Chair, by Lewis, Puddleglum says that "There are no accidents." See here for more on that quote, and for some other quotations from Lewis.)

My most recent post about Lewis was about the upcoming movie, The Golden Compass. The author of the book that movie is based on is a severe critic of Lewis. Lewis probably didn't know him, but, as the post indicates, he knew something about his philosophy.

One of the few series I have posted was on Temptations in the Narnia Books.

For those interested in the life of Lewis, I have posted on a biography by his stepson, Douglas Gresham.

A post that has triggered more comments than any other is "On Evangelical Blogging." The most important thing in that post is a long quote from Lewis. Another post that I consider important, and, again, relates to Lewis, is "What must be Christian about a Christian novel?"

Thanks for reading. Read Lewis.


  1. I'm a big C.S. Lewis fan myself. Thanks for the reminder of his birthday!

    Just finished reading his "Reflections on the Psalms." Not the easiest to read, but lots of great Lewis observations.

    I also enjoy G.K. Chesterton alot. Another great mind. He wrote fiction and poetry, too. If you haven't read him yet, you should give him a try!

    Have a great weekend.

    P.S. - Do you still live in Wisconsin? My wife's from Milwaukee.

  2. I haven't gotten nearly as far into Chesterton as I should have.

    I haven't even been in Wisconsin since 1996, I'm sorry to say. Of course, Wisconsin isn't on the way to much of anything, thanks to a couple of Great Lakes.

  3. Chesterton's "Orthodoxy" is wonderful, but he'll make you work the ol' brain cells. Worth the effort.

  4. I've had that book lying on top of one pile for months, and I've got to read it. It's not long, either.

