Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sunspots 138

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Will you really catch colds (or the flu) by going out in the cold?

If you want to learn more about Pocohantas, Nova did a program on her, including archaeology and history.

A Slate reviewer finds the film adaptation of The Golden Compass to be, well, not very bearable. He writes:
New Line should market the film to churches with the tag line: "Not only won't you be offended by The Golden Compass, you'll have no idea what's going on!"

Christianity Today discusses young-earth creationism. The comments are interesting, but (as you might expect) diverse, and disagreeing with each other.

Cody Thomas on how to really find God's will.

A splendid essay on the inability to bear children, in the Bible and in the author's own life, from Christianity Today .

This week's Christian Carnival is here. For information on these Carnivals, go here.

Thanks for reading! Keep clicking away.

Image source (public domain)

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