Monday, December 24, 2007

Three years. Thanks, Blogger!

My oldest surviving post was posted three years ago today.

Thanks, Blogger! I appreciate this free service.

Thanks also to all my readers, even any who have never commented.

The 16 posts that I consider most important are listed, as links, to the right of this sentence. The titles are more or less self-explanatory, except that "Did You Get It?" is about taking pictures as part of an experience.

Thanks for reading! God bless you all.


  1. Thanks so much for your blog. It's an oasis in a realm of raging egos and rudeness. I always stop by, even when I don't comment.

    Here's wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas!

    All the Best,

  2. Thanks so much, Rob.

    God's best to you and yours, too.

  3. It's also very nostalgic for those of us to whom you were such a wonderful professor and mentor!!! :-)

  4. Thanks, Keetha.

    For what it's worth, I'm supposed to teach a biology for non-majors in May, after three years off. We'll see if I still remember what a mitochondrion is, etc.

  5. You remember.

    Speaking of mitochondria - - - I find the fact that they have DNA in them quite an enigma. I've researched a bit online about it, but nothing I find makes good sense to me, so I still puzzle over it.

    I have a DVD in my classroom put out by Ilustra Media (if memory serves) which has the BEST computer animated sequence of DNA Replication, Transcription, and then Translation that I've EVER seen. Can't think of the DVD title right now - - - must be getting old.

  6. Aren't we all?

    The common explanation is that mitochondria were once independent organisms, hence had DNA. Maybe.
