Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Grandson Number two

Grandson Number two arrived on January 29th. He seems to be doing fine, but needs a little help with his breathing, so far. Here he is, with his father's hand touching him:

Grandson number 2 in neonatal intensive care unit, with his father's hand

For a 20-second video, showing much the same thing, except that his chest is moving, go here.

We thank God for this event, and the things that led up to it, and that will follow.

Thanks for reading.


  1. That baby is beautiful. Congratulations to your family.

  2. Congratulations, Martin! That's one handsome young fella.

    Be sure to warn the parents that the terrible twos are a challenge, but the teen years are a body slam!

    All the best to you and your family.

  3. They've got their work cut out for them.

    Thanks, gentlemen.

  4. Congratulations! Praying for that little guy (and his mom & dad :-) )

  5. Thanks, Bonnie. Don't forget his big (3 1/4 years) brother.

    He is breathing entirely on his own now, and should leave the NICU today (Jan 31) God willing.

  6. What a sweet boy! I am sure you are proud. What great news that he is doing better. Congratulations!

  7. Thanks, Sarah.

    He has been home for a few days now, and seems to be doing fine. The doctors are concerned about one of his tests, and we are awaiting the result of a re-test.
