Friday, March 14, 2008

My apologies, Houston Rockets

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about some interesting developments in basketball. One was an injury to Yao Ming, the center for the NBA's Houston Rockets. I indicated that that would mean that the Rockets no longer had a chance to win a championship. I was not alone in this prediction.

Well, somebody forgot to tell the Rockets. Tonight, they are going for their 21st win in a row. Only two other NBA teams have ever won 20 games in a row.

I confess that I haven't seen a Rockets game for quite a while, so I checked out their current roster. Shane Battier, who played for Duke, is one of their starters. He has always been a talented, hard-working, intelligent player. Tracy McGrady is their superstar. Luis Scola, a rookie from South America, also starts. So does Dikembe Mutumbo, who played for Georgetown back in the 19th century. Well, not quite -- it was 1991 when he finished playing for them, and began his NBA career. No matter how old he is, he's over seven feet tall. There are, obviously, some other good players on this team, and Rick Adelman and the rest of the coaches must be doing OK, too.

All the best tonight, Rockets. My apologies.

Thanks for reading.

P. S. College March Madness is well under way!


  1. You ought to be sorry because perhaps maybe you did not knew how great Scola was?

    Would like to hear your response towards my comment on my blog please....

  2. Dr. LaBar,
    I absolutely love looking at your photos! They are amazing!

  3. ESPN's "Around the Horn" and "Pardon the Interruption" are two of my FAVORITE TV shows - - - so even though I do not enjoy nor watch NBA games - - - I HAVE been watching this whole Rockets Success story.

    All I have to say is: THAT'S WHY THEY PLAY THE GAMES instead of going by predictions. :-)

    I DO however watch College ball. "Our" Badgers did us proud and trampled those arch rival Wolverines today in the Big Ten Tourney. (Quotes on "our" more for me than for you since I never attended UW and unless I'm more senile than I thought I think you did.)

  4. Thanks, John. I left a comment on your blog.

    Thanks, Kelly. You have some pretty good photos yourself.

    I did attend graduate school at the University of Wisconsin, and while there, was privileged to watch some of the state high school tournament games. Milwaukee Lincoln was amazing one year. I haven't seen the UW men's team play this year. I had heard that they were pretty good. I hope they go far in the NCAA tournament.

    Yes. Sports are more unpredictable than a lot of what is sold to us as drama, and that's why some of us like to watch (or even participate) in sporting events.

    Thanks, Keetha!

  5. "Our" Badgers won the Big Ten Conference title this year - - - with our only two conference losses coming at the hands of Purdue, who LOST yesterday to Illinois so are now OUT of the BT Tourney.

    I would be oh so happy if we could WIN this tourney and wrap the Big Ten Title up TWO WAYS.

    I'm not sure what to think about how we'll do in the Big Dance. We play a deliberately slowed down, well defended, controlled style of ball. I'm not sure how long we'll stand up to the "powers" that play fast break. We shall soon see, though.

  6. Thanks. I'd be glad if Wisconsin did well, too.

    Meantime, Clemson is in the ACC tournament's final game for the first time since before I came to South Carolina -- 46 years, to be exact. They play North Carolina today.

  7. I watched it - - - pulled for Clemson. Perhaps I should pull for the team I wish would lose.

    WI and IL are playing for the Big Ten Title just now. WI's playing style makes me a nervous wreck, so I'm over here a room away from the TV "blogging" to relieve my tension.

  8. Notice - - - I didn't say I thought it was POOR style, just that it makes me nervous. I know they've had great success with it.

  9. We're beating IL by more than 18 points late in the second half - - - I'm not nervous anymore. :-)

  10. All basketball styles can make fans nervous.

    Clemson did well, but not quite well enough. Houston won again, beating the Lakers. I don't think McGrady scored at all in the first half, which shows that it's definitely a team effort.


  11. I thought Clemson did well too. But always want to throw my shoe through the TV at the way the announcers pronounce (actually mispronounce) Clemson.

  12. Yep. If Mr. Clemson were alive, he'd turn in his grave.
