Saturday, March 29, 2008

Old Testament "Fly on the Wall" situations

Cody Thomas has posted a list of 10 parts of the historical books of the Old Testament which he would like to have observed. There's nothing wrong with his list, but he suggested that others might like to do the same. Here is my list, for now at least, (links are to ESV scripture) in no particular order:

Watching Deborah lead the Israelites. (Judges 4)

Listening to David and Nathan's conversation, including David's repentance. (2 Samuel 12:1-23, Psalm 51 -- I know, that's not in one of the historical books)

Observing Esther's selection as queen. Was it because of her great beauty, or her character,or both? Also, observing her appearance before the king, when she had no royal invitation. What was their relationship like? (Esther 2:1-18, 4:13-5:8)

Watching Jehu in action, and determining why, even though he followed God, he didn't renounce the sins of Jereboam I. (2 Kings 9-10)

Observing Manasseh's repentance. (2 Chronicles 33:1-20)

Observing the lives of ordinary people. What did the Israelites of that time eat? How was it prepared? What were their table manners like? What did they wear? What were the sleeping arrangements? How did they heat and cool their homes? What were the sanitary arrangements? What pets did they have, if any? What did they grow in their gardens, if any? What domestic animals did they have? What crafts and trades did they practice? What was their devotional life like?

When angels surrounded the city, and were revealed to Elisha's servant. (2 Kings 6:8-23)

Elijah being fed by ravens, by a widow woman, and raising her son back to life. (1 Kings 17)

Seeing the dedication of the Temple. (1 Kings 8)

Watching the courtship between Ruth and Boaz. Was Boaz an old man? Did she speak differently than the Israelite women? When did Boaz really begin to notice Ruth (and vice versa)? What happened on the threshing floor? How was the ceremony of taking off a shoe performed? What was a marriage ceremony like? (Ruth 1-4)

Thanks for reading. Thanks for the idea, Cody.


  1. Good list! Quite different from my own, but I like it!

  2. Thanks. I purposely tried not to duplicate.

    No doubt a dozen lists, all good, could be produced, with no duplication.
