Monday, March 10, 2008

Recent essay on pornography

The January issue of First Things includes a thought-provoking, no, disturbing essay on pornography.

I recommend that you read it. I wish that it wasn't important.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Thanks for posting about this, Martin. I saw the article too (I subscribe to First Things).

    The author asks how his children will learn about sex. I've asked myself the same question and decided to be very pro-active, even though my kids are "sheltered" (homeschooled). They still see stuff -- for example, the exhibition hall at the Arnold Classic (bodybuilding expo) last weekend where my son had a gymnastics meet. Wow.

    Many might be surprised at the way I address the subject with my kids -- frankly and openly, yet sensitively, prudently, and age-appropriately (I hope), but I do so because I (and my husband) want them to learn how to process and understand what they see, and what they will deal with within themselves as they get older. The groundwork must be laid now.

  2. This sounds like the right approach.

    Thanks for commenting.
