Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Sunspots 154

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

CNN reports that gray wolves are no longer officially endangered.

Henry Neufeld on Expelled, a new movie about Intelligent Design, featuring Ben Stein:
The problem for intelligent design is not that it hasn’t been considered
In fact, it hasn’t even truly been presented yet, and I don’t mean that the meanies in the educational establishment didn’t allow it a hearing. Rather, it simply has never presented a scientific program that could truly be tested. The ID crowd want something for nothing. They want to be regarded as purveyors of a scientific theory without doing the work. Some want their theory to be presented in high school, without going through the process of consensus building.

Wired says that Adobe has released a free version of Photoshop.

Wired interviews a Mozilla leader. Mozilla makes the Firefox browser, which I use, and the Thunderbird e-mail application.

From Office Watch: Word has a built-in calculator. The article tells how to find it.

Thanks for reading! Keep clicking away.

Image source (public domain)


  1. Martin
    Thanks for the photoshop link! I was looking for a place to put my puppy pictures.

    Puppies (best to open in new window or tab)

  2. Glad it helped, elbogz. That's why I posted it.

    Thanks for telling me.
