Friday, May 23, 2008

Jeffrey Overstreet on "Prince Caspian"

Jeffrey Overstreet has posted his review of Prince Caspian, the movie based (he says too loosely) on the book by C. S. Lewis. Thanks to Julana for the information.

Overstreet's complaints are justified. The movie has been pumped up and made more commercial, when it didn't have to be.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Hi Martin,

    I read Overstreet's book to get ready for the faith and writing conference. Then I linked his blog. He helps give perspective on some things, informed, Christian.

    My favorite part of the movie was when they got pulled back to Narnia. That whole feeling of going Home at Last. For Lucy, anyway.

    All the fighting was disappointing. Wham, wham, wham!

    Julana YS

  2. Yep. I wonder what battles they'll stick in The Last Battle, if they do that? I guess that Jadis's fight with her sister, which gets about 3 sentences in the book, will be half the movie ...

