Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Congratulations to Doc Rivers and the Celtics

The Boston Celtics, coached by Glenn (Doc) Rivers, have won the National Basketball Association championship, destroying the Los Angeles Lakers in game six, by 41 points, at Boston last night. Rivers becomes only the fourth African-American to coach an NBA championship team.

The last championship won with an African-American coach was in 1986, with K. C. Jones as coach. Jones-coached teams won twice. as did Bill Russell's, in 1968-9. Both were with Celtics teams, and both played for the Celtics. Al Attles won as coach of the Warriors in 1975, and Lenny Wilkens with Seattle in 1979. The NBA's official list (which doesn't indicate racial background) is here. As of this writing, it hasn't been updated to include Rivers.

The Wikipedia article on K. C. Jones states that the 1986 Celtics were the last NBA championship team with a majority of Caucasian players.

Thanks for reading, and congratulations to the Celtics, and especially to Doc Rivers.

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