Saturday, December 13, 2008

Bonnie, of Intellectuelle, on sin and the conscience

Bonnie, at Intellectuelle, should be required reading. (She's not the only poster on that blog, and, perhaps, the others are just as good, but she's the only one I read.) Bonnie's posts are short, to the point, and so well-written that I wonder how she does it. Like most of us bloggers, she occasionally throws out something that isn't exactly destined for eternity, but a lot of hers is so destined.

I recommend this post, on sin and the conscience, by her. It's not much longer than the post you are now reading, but there's meat there.

Thanks for reading. Read Bonnie.


  1. Thank you, Martin, for your very kind words. May I be worthy of them.

  2. You are welcome.

    No one really deserves praise, I guess, but our Lord, but He graciously allows us mortals to get it, and the Bible itself teaches us that we should give honor to whom honor is due.

  3. You are too kind, Martin. And speaking of deserving, the other authors @ Intellectuelle are worth reading too :-)

  4. Dec 20, 2008: I'm sure you are right, Bonnie, but I can only read so much!
