Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sunspots 189

Elevation is an emotion, and the vagus nerve mediates it, according to Slate.

Wired has posted photos of 12 "living fossils." Some of them are really strange . . .

Speaking of photos of strange animals, I posted a photo of a land planarian, which was about the size and shape of a skinny pencil, except for the triangular head. It was oozing across our driveway.

I am pleased, by the way, to have been a Flickr member for four years today.

(Islam, in this case, but I'm not using a "religion" category.) Wisconsin Public Radio has a series, "Inside Islam." It looks like many of the posts/broadcasts are about the status of women in Muslim areas.

Image source (public domain)


  1. Thanks for the link! Hope you stop by and leave a comment sometime.

  2. My students think I am a living fossil - - - they even gave me a "Fossil Appreciation Day Card" one year.

    Lovely bunch.

  3. Thanks, both of you.

    Kaitlin, I guess you are from Wisconsin Public Radio, which I used to listen to a lot.

    Keetha, I go back before fossilization. Your students have no real appreciation of what "old" is. . .

  4. Perhaps it really is relative.

  5. er, probably.

    Merry Christmas!
