Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Sunspots 197

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Hummer drivers are much more likely to get a ticket, says Wired.

Slate on temperature and stringed instruments (such as the ones Itzhak Perlman and Yo-Yo Ma played, but which weren't actually broadcasted at President Obama's inauguration).

An article in Christianity Today, by a man who has been in such bands quite a bit, proclaiming that church worship bands are (among other things) usually too loud.

Dilbert on on-line identity ethics.

OpenOffice 3.0.1, a free alternative to Microsoft Office, is now available.

He Lives writes on the "great mystery of liberal Christianity." By liberal Christianity, he means a so-called Christianity that rejects the miracles of the New Testament, including the virgin birth and the resurrection. So what is that mystery? The mystery is why anyone would want to crucify Jesus, if He was just a mostly mild-mannered teacher.

Image source (public domain)


  1. The mystery is why anyone would want to crucify Jesus, if He was just a mostly mild-mannered teacher.

    I don't find it a mystery that people can come to the conclusion that Jesus was just a mild-mannered teacher, though I disagree.

    The mystery to me is why such people would want the title "Christian." Surely there is a better way to describe their spirituality!

  2. Thanks, Henry Neufeld. As usual, well put.

  3. Thank you, sort of, Anonymous, whoever you may be.

    I was going to delete your comment as being irrelevant to the post, but I guess that the comment may have something to do with the title (which I have used every week for nearly four years) so I'll leave it.
