Saturday, May 23, 2009

Neil Gaiman on the geography of Faerie

But Faerie is bigger than England, as it is bigger than the world (for, since the dawn of time, each land has been forced off the map by explorers and the brave going out and proving it wasn't there has taken refuge in Faerie; so it is now, by the time that we come to write of it, a most huge place indeed, containing every manner of landscape and terrain.) Here, truly, be Dragons. Also gryphons, wyverns, hippogriffs, basilisks, and hydras. Neil Gaiman, Stardust. (New York: Avon, 1999) page 59.


  1. Dr. LaBar, I follow your blog because I was sooooo honored that my hero and mentor would find my blog and then stoop to visit and comment that I hurried to find yours and follow.

    You fit ALL my criteria (snapping with personality, plenty of dry wit and humor, lots of blog posting, and frequent visits and comments) EXCEPT the picture thing - - - but what you lack there you greatly make up for in the other areas!!!

  2. Thanks, Keetha.

    For photos, see Flickr.
