Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Sunspots 231

Maybe some of you don't want to know, but Wired has an article on the chemicals found in a cup of coffee, and their significance to the human body.

I'm having a blogging hiatus, God willing.


  1. enjoy your time away, but just don't forget to come back.

  2. Hi Martin,

    I've appreciated your input on my atlibertytosay website ... I posted the interview with Mayor Deese yesterday ... take a look and let me know what you think.

    Have a good day and time away.

  3. Hope you're having a fabulous time with those grandsons - see you early Saturday! Sherry

  4. Thanks, George.

    Thanks, Sherry. We are. See you tomorrow.

    I saw it, Atlibertytosay. I hadn't commented yet. Thanks.
