Sunday, November 01, 2009

Is Christ in bodily form now?

Many people think that, once he was incarnated as a human, Christ has remained in a human body, even after His resurrection. I didn't realize, until recently, that there was scripture to back that up. Here it is:

Colossians 2:9 For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, (ESV).

I checked several other translations, and they agree. This verse, of course, was written by Paul, quite a few years after Christ's death and resurrection. It's always dangerous to base a doctrine on a single verse, but this one is at least evidence for the belief that Christ continues to have a physical body.

Thanks for reading.


  1. I didn't think of it that way. Kool

  2. There are some other lines of argument that go along with Christ still being in a physical body. The first is the whole concept of ascension (rather than, say, de-materialization). The other is the idea of the second coming to live among us in a New Creation.

    Besides which, if he weren't still in a physical body, what becomes of "the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting" where we see him as the firstfruits?

    Take care & God bless

  3. Somewhere, Scripture tells us that He still has the scars in His hands and side, maybe in Revelation? That would indicate a body.

  4. Thanks for your additions, Weekend Fisher.

    FancyHorse, He showed His scars to Thomas. Revelation describes Him as a lamb as if it had been killed. Thanks.

  5. I suppose I always thought this but I never consciously considered the theology to back it up.

    I recall Him having scars after the resurrection though I don't recall ever noticing the Colossians passage before. I also recall an argument that He, being our mediator and intercessor, can be so only because He was human once like us and thus privy to all our temptations and shortcomings. It makes sense that since we ascend with some kind of glorified body that He, having also had a human body, would have the same.

    Thanks for mentioning this and the location of those additional passages too.
