Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Richard Dawkins and 400 years of the King James Bible

I thank Julana for bringing these matters to my attention.

There is a 2011 Trust: Celebrating 400 years of the King James Bible, which has an on-line presence, even early in 2010. I am not sure of all that this organization is about, but they do have video of various persons reading from the KJV. As Julana pointed out, one participant is Richard Dawkins, who is reads from The Song of Songs.

I do not agree with Richard Dawkins on all points. He is a militant atheist. But I appreciate the fact that he took part in this project. I also have problems with those who claim that the King James Version is the only legitimate English Bible. The main problem is that English, itself, has changed. In fact, it has changed enough that the King James Version that we have in our house, that we access on-line, that the 2011 Trust celebrates, and that the Gideons distribute, is the version of 1769, not 1611. But I appreciate the KJV.

That version has had a great deal of positive influence on my life, and the lives of many others. It is worth celebrating.

Thanks for reading. Thanks for the links, Julana.


  1. Let's not forget that the King James Version rests heavily on the textus receptus greek manuscript, which, thanks to Erasmus and some others, was a good greek compilation of all the manuscripts know during that time. However, we now have more manuscripts, some of which are older and much better. Hence, we have two greek manuscripts used today.

    Thought I would go academic on this comment. Thanks for your blog.

  2. I thank God for His Word, especially His WORD that became flesh -- JESUS. I also am grateful for the sacrifice that many selfless translators, etc. gave to make sure the written Word got to us. We are blessed.

  3. Thanks, superrustyfly.

    I could use some academic . . .

    Thanks, Kerry i am. We are not grateful enough.

  4. I recently read a novel set in the time period when Wycliffe and his translators were facing burning at the stake but continued to translate God's Word into the language of the common man in spite of it.

    Yes - - - very thankful I am for His word in my tongue.

  5. Me, too, Keetha, but for most of us, the KJV isn't our tongue, or some of it isn't. I still thank God for it.

